In 2010 many Americans will look to save as much money as possible as the economy continues to greatly struggle. One way to save money during the holiday season is to take advantage of 2010 Best Buy Black Friday sales. Some of the sales that will often be considered include the deals that are available on digital cameras. Each and every year more and more Americans buy cameras as they want to take pictures and save these pictures on a computer rather than having a printed copy.When thinking about a 2010 Christmas gift idea it is often the case that many parents and grandparents think about giving their children and grandchildren a new camera. With the advancements in technology it is now the case that almost everyone in America wants a digital camera as they are light weight, small and can fit in your pocket. One of the major electronics retailers in the United States happens to be Best Buy and they often offer many deals and sales when it comes to these cameras on the day after Thanksgiving.Before making any final decisions when it comes to buying a digital camera it is always important to do research and understand just what your loved ones want. When it comes to gadget devices it is often the case that many people are very picky. If you pick out the wrong type of advanced camera it may be the case that you have to return it on the day after Christmas as the person receiving the gift will want the camera that they had initially thought they were going to get.Unfortunately, it tends to be the case that there are many options available when it comes to purchasing a digital camera on Black Friday. There are many companies that offer great new cameras and most of these companies are willing to put them on sale during the busiest times of the year. This makes it very difficult for those who want to come up with a completely unique gift for the loved ones in their life. Sometimes it is a wise decision to just ask which type of digital camera is best. Once again, it is unfortunate but each situation dictates which digital camera will be the best fit. One of the most important things to do is to just ask your loved ones to write down the exact name and model of the digital camera that they would like to have on Christmas morning.One way to save on Best Buy digital camera sales is to do research in advance. The Black Friday and cyber Monday ads will likely be released at the beginning of November so make certain to check out which cameras are available. Remember to do research on this cameras as you will want to select a camera that is of good quality. Going to Consumer Reports could help with this process. Look for the popularity of these sales to grow this year as many people want to save money.