A debt consolidation loan involves application for one loan to pay off all or most of your debts with the main purpose of maintaining good credit rating. This loan works best when you need to:· reduce the number of different payments monthly· reduce the amount of loan payments· lower the interest rates of different loans· avoid yourself from debt collectorsIn order to obtain and utilize this specific loan successfully, here are some important tips you need to bear in mind.· Look at the right place to obtain loan. If your credit is good, there is no problem for you to apply loan from any bank or financial institution. However, if your credit is poor, you are reminded not to submit your application to the traditional banks. It will be a waste of time and effort as the traditional banks will not approve your loan.· Spend time to do research in the market. Find out which lender is able to offer you the lowest interest rate and the least monthly repayment within a reasonable time frame. This step is indeed important for those who have tight budget.· If you don’t have any property or home, don’t waste time to look for secured loan. Straight away focus your direction on unsecured loan.· If you are not very sure about the credibility of the lenders, it is safer for you to check with the Better Business Bureau to find out whether the lender you approach is reliable or not.· Once you have obtained the loan, make sure you pay off your current debts immediately. Do not utilize the loan for other purposes.By following the tips above, you will be able to enjoy the advantages provided by debt consolidation loan where you are able to handle your finances in a more proper way and you can reduce your stress in life.