Many students choose Astrive student loans as a solution to pay for their education. They are available in several programs and the company provides assistance for the selection of the package that best suits individual needs. Astrive student loans are private programs that you can contract through the Union Federal Savings Bank.There are two things you should focus on when considering to apply: the eligibility criteria and the contract terms and conditions.First of all, in terms of paperwork, you should provide proof of income, proof of enrollment, credit reports, citizenship status and some personal references. Only then the actual selection for Astrive student loans begins. Borrowers who qualify after the filing of their documents ought to meet the following requirements:- they should be permanent residents or US citizens;- international students are also accepted as long as they have a co-signer with US citizenship or the right to permanent residence;- applicants must be enrolled at least half – time; the school has to be eligible;- students must be at least 17 and have a co-signer in case they have not turned the age of majority;- residents of Iowa, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin are not accepted (this criterion does not apply to co-signers).You can get lots of benefits and advantages if you have good record history, both you and your co – signer. As for rates, Astrive student loans use the One – Month LIBOR ( the London Interbank Offered Rate ) which represents the amount banks charge reciprocally for loans. Your rate consists of the LIBOR index plus a margin determined based on your and your co – signer’s creditworthiness. The same credit history influences the interest rate level.You can repay right away and thus make a considerable saving for the entire life of your loan, or you can postpone the payment for the after-graduation period. When you start repayment, Astrive student loans give you the right to forbearance, meaning that in times of financial difficulty, you can postpone payment.Astrive student loans also allow you to pay only the loan interest while you are in school. There are all sorts of reductions available, ask about how you can get a better rate with automated payments and how to access the graduation reward. In both cases, you make savings. Read your loan contract carefully, and then see how you can best meet the terms, so that you get out of debt as soon as possible.
How Astrive Student Loans Can Help You Pay For College and Grad School Tuition and Expenses