Unsecured consolidation loan is one of the best options available if you are struggling with the high interest credit card debt. Credit cards are one of the beneficial financial tools available in present world. However today with the growing financial indiscipline when it comes to personal finance credit cards have become a sort of financial cancer.In current economic scenario where even large financial institutions are finding it difficult to cope up with their finances, one should take care of his or her current financial conditions effectively. One should not expect any miracle next month as once I was expecting in my own life. Due to this procrastination we do not want to take inventory of our current financial situation.Now if this is your own situation, then now is the time when you should wake up in reality. First of all cut all your cards except one. As we all have temptation of using a card in case of any emergency. Remind yourself that you will use cash in place of credit card whenever you will do shopping next time.The next thing you need to do is to calculate that how much money you need to consolidate all your credit card debts. The best way to come out from this situation is to search for a consolidation loan. An unsecured consolidation loan is one of the best ways to consolidate all your debts into one large one. This way you will pay only one bill of comparatively lower interest rate than you are currently paying off in all credit cards separately. Although an unsecured consolidation loan comes with comparatively high interest rate than a secured one, you will pay considerably lower than a secured one because the duration will be lower than a secured one.