The internet is a rapidly growing medium which has also become one of the most successful avenues of making a good deal of money. You must have seen numerous websites selling not only products which are unique and selective to individual needs, but even commonly retailed products at a discount. With a small investment, a good business plan and an effective marketing strategy, you can easily make a serious amount of money online by spending very little of your time.However, just making a small business plan and a website is not enough. One needs to also come up with an effective marketing strategy that can promote their business. The following points are to help you get started:1. Identification: This is the first phase and would take some time. The basic idea is to go through the market and identify a niche segment that you can tap. To get there, you are not only required to identify the product but should know all about it and eventually understand why it would be good enough to sell online. It could be anything, from old blockbuster movie posters in elegant frames to retailed products or even handmade goods. Everything can be sold for a profit. Make good use of the search engines, random surveys and keep your eyes open. It is just a matter of time and soon you would find the niche you are good at.2. Building the WebSite: The next step involves setting up your website and quite expectedly you need to clearly plan its design and structure. If you are choosing to build the website yourself, plan it carefully and get the necessary software you need to build it. Just make sure you don’t buy any software you lay your eyes on. Know that the webpage, be it a review page, blog or a full blown e-commerce site, goes along well with your product.3. Advertise: One needs to make a focused effort to reach to their target audience and one of the best ways to do so involves directly advertising their products. The internet offers a variety of online advertising options and you need to study the market and look out for any potential chance of advertising and jot down the rates while calculating an annual budget. To start with you can always make use of Google AdSense or even hire a number of ad hosting sites which operate on pay-per-click basis to pass along good and healthy traffic to your webpage. Search engine optimization is also a good and viable method.4. Interaction: Make sure that the customers can get the necessary information they need to consider your product. Maintain a FAQs area and a channel of communication so that the customers can directly approach you and solve their queries. Make sure that with every purchase, the product should be delivered to the customers as per schedule. Choose a reputed brand like FedEx or any other reliable delivery service for delivering your products to your customers.
A guide to Internet Marketing