If you are new to starting your own internet business online, you will want to make use of the affiliate marketing business model which will enables you to start your own profitable business fast. There are many things that you will have to do and you have to make sure that you are using the right strategies so that you will be able to get positive results from it. Here are the 3 tips you can use to starting making more affiliate profits.The 1st tip is to understand that there is no best affiliate program on the internet. Some marketers might have success with just one affiliate program but other marketers might have success by making use of several affiliate programs. The most important thing that you want to do is to join one program at a time and put in 100% of your effort into promoting it. If you are able to see some results, you will want to invest even more of your time and effort so that you get more sales. For those programs that did not give you much result despite putting 100% of your effort, it will be time for you to start promoting another product.The 2nd tip is to have your own website for your business. This is important as you will have the full control on the marketing messages that you want to put on your website and you will also be able to put in your opt in form to build your own list. Instead of directing the traffic to your referral link directly, refer them to your squeeze page so that you can get their details. Even if the visitors do not purchase the products that you are promoting, you will still have the opportunity to follow up with them as you have their details. You will have more opportunity to convert the visitors to become your customers.The 3rd tip is to visit popular internet marketing forum so that you will be able to get the latest information and apply to your business to keep it more competitive. You will be able to learn valuable lessons from the experiences that other marketers have which will greatly prevents you more making more mistakes. You can even start to ask any questions if you are facing any problems while you are operating the business.Here are the 3 tips that you can use to earn more affiliate profits. You will have to make sure that you are constantly taking the right action so that you will be able to start getting more consistent profits from your affiliate marketing business.