Author: Admin
Canon PowerShot G12, Bracketing Exposures
So, what if you’re doing everything right in terms of metering and mode selection, yet your images still sometimes come out too light or too dark? A technique called “bracketing” will help you find the best exposure value for your scene by taking three exposures: one normal shot, one overexposed, and one underexposed. Having these…
Canon 7D, Custom Controls
Setting the 7D’s custom controls, located in the Custom Functions menu tab, is a great way to change the buttons and knobs on your camera to your own specifi cations. You might fi nd that there are some default buttons you don’t use very often while you are shooting. If so, there just might be…
Epidemiology of Vector-Borne Diseases
COMPONENTS OF TRANSMISSION CYCLES The components of a transmission cycle of an arthropodborne disease are (1) a vertebrate host which develops a level of infection with the parasite that is infectious to a vector, (2) an arthropod host or vector that acquires the parasite from the infected host and is capable of transmission, and (3)…
Canon PowerShot G12, Avoiding Lens Flare
Lens flare is one of the problems you will encounter when shooting in the bright sun, showing up as bright circles on the image. Often you will see multiple circles in a line leading from a very bright light source such as the sun. The flare is a result of the sun bouncing off the…
Medical Entomology
GENERAL ENTOMOLOGY Basic concepts of entomology, such as morphology, taxonomy and systematics, developmental biology, and ecology, provide important background information for medical and veterinary entomologists. General entomology books which the reader will find helpful in this regard include Borror et al. (1989), Gullan and Cranston (1994), Oillot (1995), Elzinga (1997), Chapman (1998), and Romoser and…
Canon 7D, The My Menu Settings
You may fi nd that you are constantly going back and forth in the menu to change some of the same settings over and over. Instead of going into the menu to hunt for the one item that you need to change but that you have misplaced (this happens to me all the time), take…
Canon PowerShot G12, Spot Meter for More Exposure Control
Generally speaking, Evaluative metering mode provides accurate metering information for the majority of your photography. It does an excellent job of evaluating the scene and then relaying the proper exposure information to you. The only problem with this mode is that, like any metering mode on the camera, it doesn’t know what it is looking…
Canon 7D, Using the Custom Settings Modes (C1, C2, and C3)
The 7D has three different customizable camera user settings: C1, C2, and C3. These are useful if you frequently fi nd yourself shooting in the same environment with the same settings. They allow you to completely customize a shooting setting any way you like and then record those settings as a preset. One example of…
Canon PowerShot G12, Splitting the Frame, Frames within Frames
Generally speaking, splitting the frame right down the middle is not necessarily your best option. While it may seem more balanced, it can actually be pretty boring. You should utilize the rule of thirds when deciding how to divide your frame. With horizons, a low horizon will give a sense of stability to the image.…
Canon 7D, Using a Custom White Balance
Throughout this book, I’ve discussed several of the white balance settings and when to use them. One white balance setting I haven’t covered in detail is the Custom setting. Sometimes the presets on your camera won’t be 100 percent accurate. For example, you might use the Daylight setting outside on a sunny day, but the…