Author: Admin

  • Interacting with the DLR

    The Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) is a new feature of the .NET platform. Its intended purpose is to support dynamic languages, such as Python (through IronPython) and Ruby (through IronRuby). Without DLR, the .NET Framework can’t really run dynamic languages. In addition, DLR provides interoperability between dynamic languages, the .NET Framework, and static languages such…

  • Canon PowerShot G12, Shooting Long Exposures

    We’ve covered some of the techniques for shooting in low light, so let’s go through the process of capturing a night or low-light scene for maximum image quality. The first thing to consider is that in order to shoot in low light with a low ISO, you will need to use shutter speeds that are…

  • Windows Phone Using Location Services (GPS)

    GPS 101 Let’s spend a few minutes to just learn the basics of GPS, in order to better use it in our code. What GPS boils down to—the nitty-gritty—are two floating-point numbers representing the X and Y position on the Earth. The X value has traditionally been called longitude, and the Y value has been…

  • Canon PowerShot G12, Focusing in Low Light

    Occasionally the light levels might be too low for the camera to achieve an accurate focus. There are a few things that you can do to overcome this obstacle. First, you should know that the camera utilizes contrast in the viewfinder to establish a point of focus. This is why your camera will not be…

  • Drawing with Z-Index Ordering

    Prioritized Drawing We already have the ability to perform prioritized “z-index” drawing of a sprite image with the SpriteBatch.Draw() method, and we have been using the z-index parameter all along, just set to a value of zero. This effectively gave every sprite the same priority. When that is the case, priority will be based entirely…

  • Canon PowerShot G12, Stabilizing the Situation

    Thanks to the image stabilizer (IS), you can squeeze two stops of exposure out of your camera when shooting without a tripod (Figures 8.2 and 8.3). Typically, the average person can handhold their camera down to about 1/60 of a second before blurriness results due to hand shake. As the lens is zoomed, the ability…

  • Transforming Frame Animations

    Drawing Frames with Color Mods We will first test the frame animation system with color modifications, then get into transform mods, and then create a new frame animation mod system as well. Pivot Optimization The sprite’s pivot point used for rotation, called origin, is a potentially serious source of difficulty and head scratching. When recurring…

  • Sprite Frame Animation

    Drawing Animation Frames Let’s dig into the nitty-gritty of sprite animation. Most beginners create an animation sequence by loading each frame from a separate bitmap file and storing the frames in an array or a list. This approach has the distinct disadvantage of requiring many files for even a basic animation for a walking character…

  • Canon PowerShot G12, Raising the ISO: The Simple Solution

    Let’s begin with the obvious ways to keep shooting when the lights get low. One option is to use the flash, but its limited range (15–20 feet) might not work for the situation. Also, the light from the built-in flash can too often be harsher than what you’re looking for. You could be in a…

  • Working with XML Data

    Using the .NET XML Functionality If you know how to work with XML in .NET languages such as C#, then you already know how to perform the same tasks in IronPython because you can import the System.Xml assembly to gain full access to this functionality. Because the XML capabilities of the .NET Framework are so…