Black Friday 2010 – Will You Be Ready?

With the biggest shopping day of the year almost upon us, stores are pulling out all the stops to lure customers in to buy. The economy has taken its toll on many of us and to some, holiday shopping looks almost bleak and depressing. Stores are also lowering prices early to give people more incentives to spend money in a tight economy. So how do you save and get the most for your dollar this year?
Shop Early before the holiday season starts. – Shopping early will help you avoid impulse buys later on. Take advantage of the deals now with stores trying to clear their shelves for winter goods. Find out what your kids want now? Buy and be done already!
Be realistic about your finances and who you are going to buy for. – No one can afford to buy for every family member and all their friends. People put too much pressure on themselves to buy for every Tom, Dick and Harry and only end up paying for it in January when they get their credit card bill.
Search online for Coupons – Department stores release coupons every month, some by weekly and others might do 1-2 day sales. Knowing when to shop and take advantage of those deals will also help maximize your savings. Subscribing to a Coupon site could keep you updated without doing much research. Coupon Websites, have thousands of deals posted daily that will keep you updated and ready for the next sale.
If you are crafty, make custom gifts for your friends and family. – A personalized gift from the heart always has more meaning and can be cherished for years to come. Michael’s have great craft items that you can make yourself. Get your kids involved in making gifts.
Set a budget on how much you want to spend and stick to it. – Once you know who you are buying for, set a budget that will work with current finances. Many of us have been down-sized to one income and you have to keep your priorities in tact, ie…bills, food, rent etc.
Search online for your favorite stores for the latest deals. – Don’t have time to search every store you shop? One place to look to look is Blackfriday info website posts sales ads from more than 50 major retailers. They will have all the Black Friday deals posted from each retailer from the Holiday Season.Having a plan of attack early will help you avoid the pitfalls that most of us fall into like last-minute shoppers and impulse buys leaving you more in debt next year. The stores will have a plan of attack to lure you in, so why shouldn’t you have a plan of attack to make the most of each and every purchase you make this year?Make shopping work for you!




