Cash Grant You Never Repay – How to Get Free Federal Grants to Consolidate Debts and Pay Bills?

The Stimulus Package introduced by the US Federal government not only saves you from the foreclosures. It further offers you certain cash grants that you never repay. The key difference between the terms ‘grants’ and ‘loans’ is that you have to pay back the loan but not the grants. Now the Federal government has offered innumerable grants. You can apply for one of these to pay up you personal loans, the other previous debts, etc.In order to get these grants you have to meet some basic requirements:· You must be above 18 years of age.· You must be a US citizen.· Your requirement for the cash must be legal & valid.Now to get these the key is actually to have the right knowledge. None of the private agents can help you in this case. You have to apply for the grant directly through the Government website. Now firs of all you should check that your requirement fits in which type of grant. Remember you can apply for many types of grants at the same time.Some of the types are as follows:* To start a small business
* For women small business
* For the minority business
* For the first time home buyersHere are some tips to apply for cash grants you never repay:· Read the Government website properly.· Make sure that all the information you submit on the online form is correct & complete.· These grants are not affected by your bad credit scores. But if you misinform anything, it would not be acceptable, so make sure that you give the right information always.· You must have the proofs of your income & expenditure in detail.Finally, for any kind of help or guidance, you may contact the counselors that are appointed by the HUD (U.S. Housing and Urban Development) department. They are always ready to help you free of cost. These counselors are paid by the government under the Stimulus Package 2009.



