Category: Technology

  • Canon EOS 60D Make Your Shooting

    Getting a new camera is always a lot of fun. There’s usually something new, upgraded, or unique about the camera you just acquired, so the first thing I do is jump into taking photos right away. But what I should really be doing is digging into the menus and reading the manual to see what…

  • Canon 7D Review Your Photos

    Digital cameras are amazing because of the immediate feedback you get after taking a photo. You can make changes to the exposure and white balance and see the results on the LCD Monitor to instantly tell if you got the shot you wanted. Your camera, out of the box, will have a very short review…

  • Canon 7D Enable Highlight Alert

    The LCD on the back of the camera provides wonderful feedback on image exposure and color quality, but if your screen happens to be set too bright or too dark, then the image you are seeing may be deceptive. When you take a photograph, you usually want to keep detail in the highlight areas of…

  • Canon 7D Set the Picture Style

    Picture styles on the 7D will allow you to enhance your images in-camera depending on the type of photo you are taking. There are six styles to choose from, along with three additional user-defi ned styles: Standard: This general-purpose style is used to create crisp images with bold, vibrant colors. It is suitable for most…

  • Canon 7D Set Your Autofocus

    Autofocus (AF) on the Canon 7D is extremely sophisticated and very easy to work with. It’s important to understand how to use all of the different autofocus modes in order to increase your chances of producing sharp, well-focused images. Here are the descriptions of each of the autofocus modes: One Shot: Use this setting to…

  • Canon 7D Set Your Color Space

    The color space deals with how your images will ultimately be used. It is basically a set of instructions that tells your camera how to defi ne the colors in your image and then output them to the device of your choice, be it your monitor or a printer. Your camera has a choice of…

  • Canon 7D Set the Correct White Balance

    White balance refers to the process of balancing the color temperature of the lights in the location where you are shooting, so that the colors appear “normal.” Our eyes have the ability to adjust to these changes so quickly that we don’t even realize that certain lights give off different colors. Most of the fi…

  • Canon 7D Set Your ISO

    Digital photography has opened up a whole new world when it comes to setting the ISO speed on your camera. With a fi lm camera you were bound to whatever fi lm speed you loaded in your camera or carried with you in your camera bag, but with a digital camera you can adjust the…

  • Canon 7D Set Your RAW/JPEG Image Quality

    If you are upgrading from a digital point-and-shoot camera to the 7D, then you are already familiar with the JPEG fi le format. With DSLR cameras you also have the option of using the RAW format. Let’s start with the JPEG fi le format. JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. It was developed as…

  • Canon 7D Turn Off the Release Shutter Without Card Setting

    Immediately after I’ve inserted a battery in my new camera, I ensure that I won’t accidentally take a photo without a memory card by turning off the Release Shutter Without Card setting. This step is so important that if I happen to be holding a friend’s camera and notice that they don’t have this feature…