Prism Library for Windows Phone 7 contains several namespaces that subdivide the artifacts:
- Microsoft.Practices.Prism. This namespace contains classes concerned with detecting and reacting to change events for properties and objects.
- Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Commands. This namespace contains classes concerned with binding commands to user interface (UI) objects without requiring the use of code-behind in the view model, and with composing multiple commands.
- Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Events. This namespace contains classes concerned with subscribing to events and with publishing events on the publisher thread, UI thread, or a background thread.
- Microsoft.Practices.Prism.ViewModel. This namespace contains classes that help support implementing the view-model portion of the MVVM pattern, such as displaying a template at run time and simplifying the implementation of property change notification.
- Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Interactivity. This namespace contains classes and custom behaviors concerned with handling interaction and navigation for application bar buttons and with updating the values of view model properties bound to text and password controls.
- Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Interactivity.InteractionRequest. This namespace contains classes concerned with displaying notifications to users.
The following tables list the main classes in these namespaces and provide a brief description of their usage. They do not include all the
classes in each namespace; they list only those that implement the primary functions of the library. For a full reference to all the Prism
namespaces, see “Prism (Composite Client Application Guidance)” on MSDN (
Microsoft.Practices.Prism Namespace
The following table lists the main components in the Microsoft. Practices.Prism namespace. These classes are not used in the Tailspin application.
Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Commands Namespace
The following table lists the main components in the Microsoft. Practices.Prism.Commands namespace.
For more information about using the DelegateCommand and CompositeCommand classes, see the section, “MVVM,” in “Prism (Composite Application Guidance)” on MSDN (
Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Events Namespace
The following table lists the main components in the Microsoft. Practices.Prism.Events namespace. Classes in this namespace support decoupled communication between pieces of an application, such as between two view models. These classes are not used in the Tailspin application.
For more information about publishing and subscribing to events, see the section, “Communicating between Loosely Coupled Components,” in “Prism (Composite Application Guidance)” on MSDN (
Microsoft.Practices.Prism.ViewModel Namespace
The following table lists the main components in the Microsoft. Practices.Prism.ViewModel namespace.
For more information about using the DataTemplateSelector class, see “MVVM QuickStart” in “Prism (Composite Application Guidance)” on MSDN (
Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Interactivity Namespace
The following table lists the main components in the Microsoft. Practices.Prism.Interactivity namespace.
Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Interactivity. InteractionRequest Namespace
The following table lists the main components in the Microsoft. Practices.Prism.Interactivity.InteractionRequest namespace.
For more information about interaction requests and displaying notifications, see “MVVM Advanced Scenarios” in “Prism (Composite Application Guidance)” on MSDN (
The URL to the bibliography can be found in the preface, in the final section, entitled, “Where to Go for More Information.”