
Federal Direct Consolidation Loan

Federal direct consolidation loans gives the opportunity to the borrowers to consolidate all of their educations loans into a fresh loan know as federal direct consolidation loans. Getting converted all the education loans into one gives many advantages to the borrower such as low interest rates, payment to one lender, reduced monthly installments etc.Want to know what is the process of federal direct loan consolidation?the process is simple, if you want to get your education loans consolidated, you need to apply for it. Once applied you application is reviewed. If their is any missing or incorrect information the authorizes would contact you to get the information. You need to reply to the authorities on urgent basis that means you get only 14 days for providing information. After getting all the information the authorities check for eligibility and verify the status of your other loans. Its important that you do not have any default on any of the existing loans. Once the U.S. Department of education is satisfied they pay off all your existing loans and issues a fresh new federal direct consolidated loan in your favor.The important question in your mind that weather you should consolidate or not?Their would be multiple factors affecting your decision for loan consolidation. But you must look into the following factors carefully while doing so. It will be good idea for you to go for federal direct consolidation loan if you have more than one one or two education loans with more than two monthly payments to be made. As you get cheap interest rates on federal direct consolidation loans, therefore, its becomes more attractive to go for. And one of the most important factors that you must check that how much principal and interest you have paid for the existing loans. If you have not paid more interest and the loans are not very old you must go for consolidation.

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