So maybe you are in large credit debt and do not know how to get yourself out of that mess. Well, getting out of credit card debt can be challenging to everyone putting in mind that these are hard economic times. There are many different companies and options offering alternative credit debt. Now the existence of free government credit card consolidation loans can be considered a relief when it comes to consolidation, reduction and elimination of high interests debts. This program work through paying all clients high interest debts and afterwards replacing them (the high interest debts) with a single consolidation loan of low interest that will only require monthly payment scheme that is manageable. This increases the loan payments and lowers the monthly interest rate.For one to determine whether he is eligible for government or private credit card loan consolidation program, one needs to fill a short application form that is online. The application of the forms will help one determine the kind of programs that will help one reduce significantly the monthly loan payments and hence help save more. The government credit card loan consolidation programs can be used as the stepping stone to the restoration of the economy and hence creation of more jobs. Both the financial institutions and the credited persons have mutual benefits as the creditors benefit from the reduction in the default rates and the individuals benefit from the lower interest rates and the monthly payments that are manageable as well as from the protected credit score.Unknown to many people, under the administration of Obama, millions of dollars have been set aside to fund the free government credit card loans consolidation stimulus programs. The amount of money set aside is expected to be even expanded further by 2011. So maybe considering a credit card loan consolidation could help you settle those large debts you got.