It is reasonable that an individual may not be able to afford to finance for a house or any similar big investments immediately after graduating from the university. One must be able to find a decent job first and establish himself. Most fresh graduates choose to stay with their parents to have an accommodation while they still save up for their own home. But there are also some who feels so pressured about getting their own home.Anyone can dream to own a new home right after graduation. The only problem is, it is impossible for anyone to earn as much as enough money to buy a new home overnight. Well, of course unless you win a lottery. To get a new home, you would have to save up for it. It may take several months if you are earning quite a big amount of money and it may take several years depending on your financial capability based on your monthly income. Not having the cash on your hand is not enough reason to stop you from getting a home. You can actually own a home today and just have it paid at a later date.You can do that by applying for a loan. You can do that by applying for a housing loan to be more specific. A housing loan is borrowing money from the bank or any financial institution that offers such service. It is a debt that you will be obliged to pay over a certain period of time. You will be tied up in a contract and would have to pay an interest which depends on the type of loan that you avail of.Among the most common types of loan are secured loan and mortgage loan. In a secured loan, a borrower may pledge some of his properties as collateral for the loan in case he is not able to have it paid off on the period of time that is agreed on the contract. The properties may include a car or land. A mortgage loan is a loan used to purchase a house. The borrower is obliged to repay the mortgage at a period of time agreed in the contract. If he is unable to pay it, the bank or the lending company may have it repossessed.Network Funding does not want to hinder our young dreamers from achieving their dream which is to own a new home. They offer housing loans of different types and even provide free counseling to help them decide in choosing the best loan option so that they do not end up losing their home.With Network Funding you can simply do your application on line and have yourself qualified for a loan by submitting some of the requirements so that they could check your credit ratings and also be able to suggest the best loan option for you. You will be informed of how much you are eligible to borrow and the terms suited for you.