If there’s a ‘secret’ to making money online for people of color it has to be this: Follow a S.Y.S.T.E.M (Save Yourself Time Energy Stress and Money) that works that meets the needs of your customers (and your capabilities) and in all you do, insure that products and services are of a quality comparable or even better than what’s on the market. In other words, have high standards.Why High Standards Are Necessary for People of Color Involved in Internet MarketingWhether you like it or not, internet marketing for people of color is different from internet marketing ‘for the masses’. You have different challenges that you’ll face but the good news is you can do it. Above all your approach must be easy and honest. Forget the get-rich-quick programs because they either don’t work or are very short lived.Scam’s could also ruin your reputation when they go wrong because you’ll have been associated with the scams and in time, that association will be all over the internet. Give people what they want.It’s not that difficult to uncover a lot of people willing to buy whatever it is you’re offering – whether it’s a product or a service. The best part is you can make thousands of dollars from the comfort of your home.Along the years, I’ve purchased many “make money” ebooks, software applications and reports. Some were indeed simply veiled scams that were too complicated for an average person like me or I didn’t feel competent, qualified or suitable to operate because I was a person of color. Word of warning: Steer clear of anything that is unethical, demeaning or you wouldn’t be happy telling your mom you’re involved in. That’s one surefire way to determine if you should be involved in a particular program, promoting a certain product or service as a person of color involved in internet marketing.Don’t Play “Follow The Guru”Fast forward, a few years and I’ve learned the hard and expensive way and no longer fall prey to the “guru” syndrome. Nowadays internet marketing for people of color has become a lot easier and the playing field has levelled out. Provided you have the right information, and a plan you can profit from the internet starting right now, with what you have.You can get more information on how to get started and get better if you’re a person of color interested or involved in internet and infoproduct marketing from the Internet Marketing for People of Color website located at [http://www.imforpeopleofcolor.com]
Guide to online marketing people of color