
Home Mortgage Refinance Loan – 50 Year Mortgage Refinancing Could Be Right For You

One of the newest mortgage products available is the 50 year mortgage loan. This is a typical home mortgage drawn out over a fifty year period. The main advantage of a 50 year mortgage loan is a significantly lower monthly payment; however, there are drawbacks to a mortgage of this term length. Here are several tips to help you decide if refinancing with a 50 year mortgage is right for you.If you are in need of the lowest monthly payment possible but want to avoid interest-only mortgages, 50 year terms are an affordable alternative. This mortgage has the advantage of lower payments while still building equity in your home. The downside is that you will have an additional twenty years of interest payments to make.Avoid Interest Only Mortgage LoansInterest only mortgages have lower monthly payments during the interest only period; however, when this period ends the lender will re-amortize your loan for the remaining term length and your payments go up significantly. By choosing a 50 year fixed rate mortgage you will have a payment you can plan your budget around.50 Year Mortgage DrawbacksHomeowners are often tempted to purchase more home than they can afford with a 50 year mortgage. You also have to pay an additional 20 years of interest on the loan. Your monthly mortgage payment will be lower; however, you will pay much more to the lender for your financing.
There are still many more advantages to refinancing your mortgage with a 50 year loan. To learn more about your mortgage refinancing options including costly mistakes to avoid, register for a free mortgage tutorial.

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