A high number of Americans dealing with debts as a result of the high interest in terms of credit cards debt and others should consider applying for the government credit card debt consolidation loan. These debt relief programs sponsored by the government and those provided by the private consolidation companies can help any consumer to reduce their payments per month as well as reduce the interest rates charged on the loan. This will allow the consumer to have an easier task in working towards paying off their debts and living a debt free life.The Obama administration has approved the economic stimulus program worth millions of dollars, set to help Americans from all works of life. The government credit card debt consolidation is one of the Important pillars in the plan to help In the elimination of the consumer debt which is one of the causes of the economic meltdown experienced in the last two or three years. The consumer should fill out an online application form in order to determine if they are eligible for the federal or free private debt relief program. They will be provided with the information on each debt relief program and the amount of money they will be saving monthly or yearly within the amortization period.redit card debt consolidation eliminated the consumers’ current high interest debts, replacing them with a low interest consolidation loan. The loan is custom made as per the consumers financial situation and the will benefit from peace of mind as they will be making a single monthly payment that is consistent.They will also be in a position to pay off their credit card debts faster and easier thus reducing the chances of defaulting- a huge benefit to the credit card companies and lenders through out the country. It is a win-win situation for all the parties involved and it is an important part in recovery of the economy.