Many families are finding it difficult to pay for college today. Some of the reasons are as follows: Not understanding how the college process works, limited services from high school guidance counselors and financial aid administrators at colleges and not knowing what financial resources they can qualify for. One of the most attractive options is working with a financial aid consultant. These consultants are helping families get the money they need to pay for college.What is a financial aid consultant? These consultants work for you and charge a fee to explain how the financial aid process works and ultimately get you the money you need to pay for college. A good consultant should at least have a four year degree, have experience working as a financial aid administrator at a college, be well-verse on funding sources and have a basic understanding on tax preparation and strategies. In addition, they should be problem solvers. They are working for your interest.You can find a consultant in just about every state in the U.S. You can find them over the internet. Most of their services(s) are done online. If you decide to use one, make sure he or she have a list of testimonials and a good track record. Make sure you do your homework when looking for a consultant. Research, research and research. Ask the right questions and get the right answers. Remember your focus is to get the most money possible to pay for an expensive college education and a good consultant will do that. Good luck.