Nikon D7000 Custom Display Options

Viewfinder Grid—I love a viewfinder grid. I think it’s super handy when composing images and lining things up. Those of you familiar with the rule of thirds will recognize this grid.

  1. Menu
  2. Custom Setting Menu
  3. D Shooting/Display
  4. D2 Viewfinder Grid Display
    1. Select On
    2. Press OK

ISO Display—If you want to view what your current ISO is instead of how many images you have left to shoot until your card is full, then you’ll want to turn this feature on. When I’m shooting I worry more about my ISO setting than about how many more pictures I can take, so I prefer to turn this feature on.

  1. Menu
  2. Custom Setting Menu
  3. D Shooting Display
  4. D3 ISO Display and Adjustment
    1. Show ISO Sensitivity
    2. Press OK





