In many people’s point of view, obtaining a debt consolidation loan is a challenging and tricky process if you have a bad credit rating. However, in reality, having poor credit doesn’t prevent you from getting the financial assistance you need. You still stand high chance to obtain the loan with the helpful tips given below:First thing first, when you have decided to obtain a new loan, ask yourself a simple question – Are you looking in the right place? Banks and financial institutions can be found everywhere, but if you already have bad credit, you are reminded to look for “unique” lenders who specialize in providing financial assistance to people with poor credit rating. These lenders have more lenient lending procedures and your chance to obtain the loan is always higher as you are their targeted client.When you have got a list of these special lenders, you are advised to verify their backgrounds. To play safe, you are suggested to get referrals from your bank or any financial institution which you are familiar with. At the same time, check with the Better Business Bureau to find out more details about the potential lender. By taking all the precaution steps, you will be able to avoid yourself from taking up loan with unethical lender. Although you are desperate to look for fund, you still need to be extra careful and avoid any unnecessary financial risk.Now, here comes a serious question. How can you convince the lender to provide you the loan since your credit score is low? You should start practicing prompt payment before you start approaching any potential lender. Make sure that you pay off your utility bills on time. You need to prove to the lender that you are serious in rebuilding your financial strength.Besides, in order to stand a higher chance to obtain the approval from the lender, you are advised to put up collateral. The collateral can be in the form of real property, vehicle or any valuable asset. Putting up collateral is actually providing guarantee to the lender that you will definitely pay back the loan.To sum up, looking for the RIGHT lender is not really hard as long as you are willing to put in effort and time to search for it. Be sincere in taking control of your financial situation and do not try to avoid your debt obligations. Chances are always there waiting for you!