A payday loan debt consolidation can be of use to you when you have done what you were repeatedly advised not to! It can help you break free of that impenetrable web of cash advances, when you have taken too many of them and are now not able to manage your way out of the tangle!Why Do I To Consolidate My Payday Loan Debt?Well, we all know that a cash advance is a small amount of cash advance that should be borrowed only in case of real emergency situations in life; situations wherein you need a few hundred dollars of instant cash for some expenses that really can’t be put off till you get your next salary. For example, you may need the money for urgent repair work required on your car that has been involved in a major accident.In such cases, you can take a small cash advance for a couple of weeks (or till you get your next paycheck) at a high rate of interest. The reason for the higher interest rate is that such loans are unsecured and are approved without any credit check or telecheck, so as to ensure that the least amount of time is taken in the approval and disbursement process.But if you take too many of such loans from different lenders, or if you take too many repeated extensions on the mortgage from a single lender, it can lead to a very heavy cost in the form of interest payable. Typically, if you take an extension, you have to pay further interest on the initial interest accumulated too! That’s when a debt consolidation loan taken against all your miscellaneous payday loans can come to aid.What Exactly Is Consolidation Of Debt?Loan consolidation is being used more and more these days, for consolidating all kinds of debts, and not just the ones taken against paychecks. People are resorting to these services today for better managing their credit card debts, as well as any home loans, car loans or student advances they may have taken.In a payday loan debt consolidation, any multiple payday advances that you may have taken from various lending companies are consolidated into a single larger mortgage amount, which is then managed by the credit company. You no longer have to deal with your individual lenders or their “collectors”. And they also get you lower interest rates and easier payment schedules from your lenders.Thus, with payday loan debt consolidation you can eventually break free from the evil and expensive clutches of payday advances.