Going to school should be available to everyone but with the mere cost of living going through the roof finding the best college loans can seem daunting. There are several criteria to consider when looking for a fast college loan including repayment options and interest rates.Federal LoansOne way for needy students to get more money for college is through Federal student loans. As a general rule these fast college loans offer students lower interest rates and depending on the type of loan great flexibility in loan amounts.Perkins LoansThe first Federal loan you will likely be offered is called the Perkins loan. This is a loan for lower income students seeking a post secondary degree. About 1800 institutions in this country qualify for these types of fast college loans. One very nice thing about these loans is the financial aid department has quite a bit of leeway with loan amounts.In addition, degree programs such as teaching or military qualify to have part or all of their fast college loans forgiven. Generally, the school is reimbursed for 100% of the principle amount loaned and this money goes to the schools revolving loan accounts, these are considered an entitlement. These are among some of the best college loans available to students.Stafford LoansAnother federal loan is the Stafford loan. These loans are very easy to get as the your credit score is not much of a consideration. Nearly any student can get a Stafford loan and they can be government subsidized or unsubsidized based on the students needs.The best college loans are simple to apply for, easy to qualify for, and have a low interest rate, all of which apply to the Stafford loan. In order to qualify for these fast college loans you must:o Be a US citizen; US permanent resident or eligible non-citizen enrolled in a college that participates in the Stafford loan program.
o Submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid
o Have financial need as determined by your school for subsidized loans
o Plan to attend school at least half timeEither of these is a great method to receive money for college. Some students can qualify to use Federal loans in addition to standard personal college loans from a local bank.ConclusionThere are benefits to both of these kinds of student loans, as they have generous repayment schedules and with the Stafford subsidized, you can actually defer payment while you are in school and the Government will pay the interest for you. Once you are out of school you have many options on repayment as well including renegotiating the terms of the loan, deferring payment due to economic hardship or paying interest only while you get started in your new career. These are some of the best college loans available to students today! Do not wait to get a much-needed education, fill out your FAFSA today and find out how much assistance you can qualify for.