
Top 5 Secrets to Survive Black Friday

For those that want to brave the shopping crowds, you need to learn the Top 5 secrets of Black Friday survival.At most retail stores Black Friday is a day of shopping madness. People forget about being kind and turn ruthless when it comes to these great holiday shopping deals. In order to survive and not lose you mind or even a few fingers you must follow the 5 Survival Tips listed below.

Always shop with a friend. Send one person to the checkout lines while the other snatches up the bargains. Keep your cell phones charged so you can easily meet up later. Leave the kids at home. Crowded aisles and unscrupulous shoppers can be a dangerous combination for small children.
Arrive Early. Arrive at your favorite store early before the doors open. The nice thing for early birds is they get to choose from an entire range of merchandise before it’s been picked through.
Plan ahead. The best strategy is to be prepared. You don’t won’t want to waltz into a your favorite retailer without knowing what you want to purchase. Look through the Black Friday ads several days in advance and write down all of the things you want. Also make note of the price and model number if possible. That way, if you arrive at the store and none of the things you want are on the sales floor you can give an employee that model number and have them quickly scan their inventory.
Prep Your Car. If you’re going to be bringing home a new big screen TV, you’ll want to make sure there’s room for it in your vehicle. Make sure the trunk is cleaned out or back seats removed from your van. Also, top off your tank to avoid wasting time at the gas station.
Dress Comfortably. Don’t try to be too fashion conscious; just be comfortable. Be prepared to wait outside in some situations, so carry a jacket, hat and mittens. Leave your purse at home and just bring a credit card or enough cash. It’s one more thing to worry about or potentially get lost or stolen.
Have a safe Black Friday shopping day and an enjoyable Holiday shopping season.

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