Federal plus college loans are one of the most economical and affordable ways to stretch out your college payments. Their popularity stems from a user friendly approach to college loans in terms of affordability and practical usability.The most beneficial aspect of federal plus college loans is the low interest rates that are afforded to you with your federally guaranteed loan. In addition to this, the entire cost of tuition can be borrowed with a federal plus college loan. This includes the full cost of tuition, as well as accommodation and lodging, textbooks, travel, laboratory fees (if applicable) and also college supplies. Because college expenses do not begin and end at tuition, the federal plus college loan is extremely viable as a number one choice for students needing financial aid.You need not be in financial distress or have to display a need for extra funding to apply for a federal plus college loan, however a decent credit history is a pre-requisite for successful application. Another mandatory factor that needs to be in place before application is the students’ enrolment in at least a half time course at an eligible college that accepts federal plus college loans.Some schools have different policies with regards to accepting students with federal plus college loans, so it would be a wise move to check with them first to ensure you have all the necessary criteria in place.A credit check will be carried out against your name to ensure that you are eligible for a federal plus college loan. This credit check is obligatory and will exclude you from application if you have any accounts that are outstanding over 90 days, or if you have a Title IV debt against your name within the last five years.Federal plus college loans are available through most authorised financial services providers, and all you need to do to apply for one is to contact them online, by telephone or by making a personal visit to their offices.Some of the better known financial institutions offering federal plus college loans are listed below. You will be directed to their websites by clicking on the links and will be able to apply for or enquire about federal plus college loans while there:
US Bank
Wells Fargo